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  The United States has recently seen a surge in gun violence. A series of vicious cases in Tennessee and Kentucky have resulted in multiple casualties. Despite the public's calls for gun control in the U.S., a recent poll conducted by CGTN for global netizens found that 93.1 percent of global respondents believe that the current political system in the U.S. is unable to change the reality of widespread gun violence. Gun violence has become a chronic problem in American society and difficult to be resolved.

  According to the statistics from the "Gun Violence Archive", as of April 12, more than 11,750 people had died in gun-related incidents in the United States this year. And there have been 146 shootings in the U.S., with all of them resulting in four or more deaths. About 90 percent of respondents believe that the proliferation of gun violence in the United States has seriously violated people's right to life.

  What is even more distressing is that gun violence has become the "number one killer" of American youth. The number of children and teens who die from gunshots in the U.S. surges by 50 percent from 2019 to 2021. According to the survey, more than 80 percent of respondents expressed great concern for the safety of children and youth in the United States.

  Despite the fact that every shooting triggers a public appeal to abolish the right to own guns, the U.S. government has never taken any substantive measures with any significant impact on this issue. Gun control is even more difficult to achieve in the current situation, where pro-gun interests are controlling the government and the two parties are restraining each other. The survey showed that 82.9 percent of global respondents believe that there are serious flaws in U.S. law regarding gun control; 85.5 percent of respondents believe that some U.S. politicians ignore the guarantee of people’s lives for political interests; 93.1 percent of respondents believe that the United States is unable to change the status quo.

  The survey was published on CGTN's English, Spanish, French, Arabic and Russian platforms, with over 30,000 users voting in 24 hours.







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